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Collaborative Screening
VAFT X Turku Arts Academy
Friday 3.11.2023 3:30 PM
Kino Diana, Humalistonkatu 3
Premiering at VAFT, this special student screening features nine works of visual art students at the Arts Academy of the Turku University of Applied Sciences. Following the festival’s theme, the videos and animations deal with topics, such as magic, embodiment and growing up.
The juried screening is a selection of works from an open call for entries held at the Arts Academy in autumn 2023.
Mikko Aumala
HALOO (2019)
Suvi Hirvonen
Älä huoli, se kasvaa kesäksi takaisin (2022)
Eskil Korhonen
Näen taivaalla lintuja (2022)
MAria Pulkkinen
Lost and Found (2023)
Siiri Torvinen
Näissä juhlissa (2023)
Nenne Bäckmann
late summer reflections and transitions (2023)
Iida Kilpeläinen
Nainen karaokevideolla (2023)
Matti Luukko
Aamuvirkku (2023)
Sanna Taikina
Täytetty (2022)
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