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Hanna Kaihlanen

Hovering over us (2023)

17:40 min

Finnish and English with English subtitles

VAFT Screening: Meshwork

Saturday 4.11.2023 8:30 PM

Kino Diana, Humalistonkatu 3

Very small beings are often behind major events on the planet. 


Hovering over us observes mosquitoes, the tiny creatures that float around us. The hybrid film dives into a reality where the smallest creatures have become unpredictably significant. Past, present and the imaginative overlap and create strange visions, where uncanny details start to resemble prophecies and a human becomes a tiny piece of the big buzzing puzzle.

Hanna Kaihlanen (b. 1990) is a filmmaker currently based in Tampere, Finland. In her editing-driven practice Kaihlanen is often studying the complex relationships between human, nature, and technology. She navigates between the conventions of fiction, documentary, and experimental film, and tends to think of them as treasure chests rather than strict boundaries.


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Video Art Festival Turku (VAFT) is run by the non-profit association Ääriö ry

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